Team-Based Cardiac Care Model 好处 病人 at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center—and Beyond


十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心 心脏血管中心, Heart Team experts take a team approach to patient care.

"When your patient comes to us for cardiovascular care, 他们不会只接受一位心脏病专家的治疗,”国家 迈克尔·N. 年轻的, MD, FSCAI, RPVI, interventional cardiologist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. ”而不是, they'll be surrounded and supported by a team of experts in several cardiac subspecialties and other non-cardiac specialties."

Cardiovascular subspecialists work together to care for people with coronary artery disease, 瓣膜疾病, 肺栓塞, 心原性休克, cardioembolic中风, high-risk pregnancies and adult congenital heart disease. 他们还与其他医院的团队合作, specifically when referring and preparing a patient for a heart transplant.

据博士说. 年轻的, who serves as the Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories and the Structural Heart Disease Program, 这种协作式护理“让病人放心”, encourages shared decision-making between patients and their care team, and ultimately leads to an optimized patient experience with improved outcomes—particularly for patients with serious cardiac conditions."


在2023年7月发表的一篇论文中. 年轻的 and his team highlighted the benefits of the Heart Team approach and presented a "Five Star" model for Heart Team collaboration.

The paper, titled "Building and Optimizing the Interdisciplinary Heart Team," was published in the Journal of the Society of Cardiovascular Angiography & 干预措施.

"研究 shows that patients who receive multidisciplinary care have increased survival rates, lower mortality and outcomes that meet or exceed national guidelines—and our internal research supports these claims,”医生说。. 年轻的. "Our paper outlines the core principles that guide the team-based cardiovascular care we provide."

当博士. 年轻的 and his colleagues spoke to patients about their experience with the interdisciplinary Heart Team, 反响非常积极, with many patients enthusiastically praising the approach and the care they received.

"One of the things that our patients value most is our team approach to care and ability to bring that back to the patient bedside,”医生说。. 年轻的. “当病人感到被支持时, reassured and backed by a cohesive group of experts, they tend to have a more positive care experience and better outcomes.

“新出现的数据支持这一说法, 在十大博彩推荐排名的这些年里, we have developed our Multidisciplinary Heart Teams accordingly."


以满足这些独特的患者需求, the 心脏血管中心 has created several multidisciplinary Heart Teams, 包括:

  • 成人先天性心脏病小组
  • 脑心脏预防中风小组
  • 心源性休克小组
  • Cardio-Obstetrics团队
  • 复杂冠状动脉疾病小组
  • 心脏衰竭/心脏移植团队
  • Left Atrial Exclusion for Atrial Fibrillation team (LEAF)
  • 肺栓塞反应小组(PERT)
  • 结构性心脏和瓣膜疾病小组

Each team meets regularly to review and discuss patient cases. 这包括考虑测试和成像结果, 研究支持的治疗指南, patient preferences and lifestyle factors while developing consensus-based care recommendations.

The team's official recommendation is then presented to the patient and family members for review and discussion. After the patient and care team agree on a treatment plan, 心脏小组执行计划, 收集数据,分析反馈和结果. The goal is to evaluate the success of the treatment, 患者体验和推荐的质量.


例如, if a patient is diagnosed with a 肺栓塞, they will be seen by a team that may include a combination of physicians from the following specialties: vascular medicine, 介入性心脏病学, 重症监护和影像. 在一起, 小组将评估病人的情况, review the available surgical and nonsurgical treatment options and develop a treatment plan designed to relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of long-term complications. 初始治疗完成后, the team will provide longitudinal follow-up care for the patient and analyze relevant outcomes.

What happens if someone is experiencing severe heart failure from valvular heart disease?

A patient experiencing severe heart failure related to a failing valve will be seen by a cardiac surgeon, interventional cardiologist and general cardiologist. 在某些情况下, this team may expand to include specialists from advanced heart failure, 姑息治疗或其他医学领域. 该小组将评估一系列治疗方案, 包括更换阀门, 心室辅助装置, 药物和其他治疗方案, 目的是减少未来的并发症, preventing hospitalization and improving quality of life.

"Effective cardiac care can't be delivered in silos—especially when many conditions require a multifaceted approach that combines elements of cardiac surgery, 介入性心脏病学, 一般的心脏病, 电生理学等,”医生说。. 年轻的. “随着新的心脏治疗方案的出现, it's essential for cardiologists to work together to determine when and how these novel therapies can and should be used. Through our collaborative work and ongoing research, our goal is to demonstrate the success of our approach and encourage other hospitals to adopt this model for the benefit of their patients."


Lee C, Tully A, Fang JC, Sugeng L, Elmariah S, Grubb KJ, 年轻的 MN.  Building and Optimizing the Interdisciplinary Heart Team. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & 《十大博彩推荐排名》,第2卷,第6期,101067.